Happy New Year

I love the idea of a "New Year". It is like having a re-start button on life. It's a chance to look at the past to see what served you and your highest intentions, and to let go of the things that didn't promote this purpose. It's better than a new start. The New Year is a chance to grow. It provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past so that we can become better beings.
This New Year, I encourage you to take time to reflect on 2008. Determine the things you would like to let go of and fade into memories of the past. Explore the things you wish to cultivate in 2009.
To let it go...
. write it on paper and burn it ceremoniously
. whisper it to the wind and let her take it away
. stretch, move, dance and sweat it out of your pours
. take full deep inhalations and with the exhale imagine the item flowing out on the breath
To infuse your 2009 with positivity
+ create a resolution or intention for your year
+ keep the phrase close to your heart and at the forefront of your mind. Perhaps write it on paper and post it around your home, office, vehicle...
+ allow yourself time to practice this positivity
+ know that challenges we face in life are opportunities to grow and change
+ no matter what don't berate yourself for slipping. honor and care for yourself always

I hope you have the most insightful year! May you be open to new possibilities and may your lessons be gentle and grand.
Namaste and Happy New Year!

A gift for you

I am offering 4 great seasonal specials as a gift to you. These specials are only available via e-mail. If you are interested in a special, please send me an e-mail or call, and I will get you the information. These deals are only available for purchase through the end of January.
P.S. My contact information is on the right side of this page...just scroll down a bit.

If you would like to purchase a set of yoga classes for a loved one, please contact me for a gift certificate.

Happy Holidays

I wish you the very best this holiday season. Please continue to practice your yoga as to care for yourself physically, as well as to dissipate some of the many stresses that occur this time of year. Remember that practicing yoga doesn't just take place on your mat. You can practice yoga with your thoughts, intentions, and actions. In fact practicing yoga off the mat is vital to a complete yoga practice. Here are some ways you can expand your practice this holiday season. (By the way, these tips are good for you, those around you, and for all beings. They could be the greatest gift you give this season.)

Tips for practicing higher yoga
so you can fill your life with peace and joy
this Holiday Season
1. Honor yourself, your relations, and the planet by choosing a noble and virtuous intentions for the New Year.

2. Practice ahimsa, which means nonviolence toward yourself and others.

3. Follow your own heart. Learn to listen to yourself, your own higher intuitive inner voice, through meditation practice.

4. Practice contentment (samtosha), which is one of the niyamas of Patanjali. Contemplate just how much you already have and what you really need. Is there something that you think you need in your life to make you happy, and/or do you already have plenty?

5. Cultivate gratitude for all the things you have.

6. Before you indulge, bring consciousness into the moment. For example, before eating, be aware of what you are going to eat and perhaps say a simple prayer or thanks. Prepare to enjoy the food and take it deep into your tissues so as to fully nourish yourself.

7. Be flexible in body, mind, and spirit. Do not be constrained by plans. Go more with the flow.

8. Give many hugs.