This New Year, I encourage you to take time to reflect on 2008. Determine the things you would like to let go of and fade into memories of the past. Explore the things you wish to cultivate in 2009.
To let it go...
. write it on paper and burn it ceremoniously
. whisper it to the wind and let her take it away
. stretch, move, dance and sweat it out of your pours
. take full deep inhalations and with the exhale imagine the item flowing out on the breath
To infuse your 2009 with positivity
+ create a resolution or intention for your year
+ keep the phrase close to your heart and at the forefront of your mind. Perhaps write it on paper and post it around your home, office, vehicle...
+ allow yourself time to practice this positivity
+ know that challenges we face in life are opportunities to grow and change
+ no matter what don't berate yourself for slipping. honor and care for yourself always
I hope you have the most insightful year! May you be open to new possibilities and may your lessons be gentle and grand.
Namaste and Happy New Year!
Namaste and Happy New Year!